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What is Valantis?

Valantis is a novel blockchain platform that represents Value-Exchange Logic, providing a full generalization of smart-contract DEXes through composable modules. It aims to create the most secure, composable, and developer-friendly environment for DEX development.


Valantis revolutionizes the DEX space by offering Sovereign Pools that integrate various components responsible for pricing logic, fee calculation, oracle services, reserve vaults, and liquidity management strategies. It uniquely supports rebase tokens and addresses key challenges in current DEX architectures.

Key Benefits

  • Mitigated Liquidity Fragmentation: Enables shared liquidity across multiple pools.
  • Native Rebase Token Support: Accommodates dynamically adjusting supply tokens.
  • Reduced Implementation Complexity: Offers customizable, ready-to-use features.
  • Enhanced DEX Security: Provides independently audited and battle-tested components.

Core Features

Sovereign Pools

Integrate various DEX components in a modular, customizable format.

Shared External Vaults

Allow liquidity to be sourced and shared across multiple pools.

Modular Architecture

Enables developers to build DEXes with customizable features and minimal code.

Addressing Key Challenges

Liquidity Fragmentation

Mitigates issues through shared liquidity sources.

Rebase Token Integration

Natively supports this growing asset class in DEX environments.

Development Complexity

Simplifies DEX creation with ready-to-use, customizable components.

Security Concerns

Enhances overall security through independent audits and proven components.

Developer Benefits

  • Reduced time and cost for DEX development
  • Access to well-defined standards and architecture
  • Utilization of pre-audited, secure components
  • Improved capital efficiency for DEX market participants

Valantis aims to transform the DEX landscape by providing a modular, secure, and efficient platform for building and operating decentralized exchanges, addressing key issues in current monolithic DEX architectures.

Learn more at Valantis Documentation