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What is EnsoFi?

EnsoFi is the first decentralized Peer-to-Peer cross-chain lending protocol, enabling users to lend and borrow at mutually agreeable interest rates across multiple blockchain networks.


EnsoFi revolutionizes decentralized finance (DeFi) by providing a platform for cross-chain lending with flexible, user-defined interest rates. It breaks down the barriers between different blockchain ecosystems, offering a more inclusive and efficient lending environment.

Key Features

  • Cross-Chain Integration: Connects assets and users across multiple blockchains.
  • Mutually Agreed Interest Rates: Allows users to set and agree on flexible interest rates.
  • Peer-to-Peer Lending: Enables direct loan contracts between lenders and borrowers.
  • No Interest Rate Gap: Eliminates the middleman to ensure equal rates for lenders and borrowers.

Core Functionalities

Seamless Cross-Chain Lending

Provides access to a wider pool of borrowers and lenders across various blockchain networks.

Flexible Interest Rates

Empowers users with the ability to define and agree upon interest rates, which remain constant throughout the lending period.

Direct Loan Contracts

Facilitates Peer-to-Peer lending, allowing users to establish direct loan agreements.


  • Market Volatility Protection: Offers a predictable and secure financial environment.
  • Wider Access: Connects users to a broader range of lending and borrowing opportunities.
  • Customization: Allows for tailored lending experiences with user-defined terms.
  • Efficiency: Removes intermediaries, streamlining the lending process.

Platform Features

Chain Abstraction

Simplifies interaction with multiple blockchain networks through a unified platform.

Gas Abstraction

Enables handling of transaction fees using various tokens across different networks.

Account Abstraction

Provides smart contract-based solutions for enhanced security and flexibility in asset management.

Developer Tools

Offers APIs and tools for integrating EnsoFi features into decentralized applications.

EnsoFi empowers users with a flexible, cross-chain lending platform, bridging the gap between different blockchain ecosystems and providing a more efficient and customizable lending experience in the DeFi space.

Learn more at EnsoFi Documentation