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Klaster is a novel P2P network standard that enables seamless, conditional execution of transactions across multiple independent blockchains using a single off-chain signature. It addresses challenges related to asset and account fragmentation in the blockchain ecosystem, particularly when interacting with rollups and smart contract accounts.


  • Seamless Cross-Chain Transactions: Execute complex transactions across multiple blockchains with a single signature.
  • Reduced Complexity: Simplifies interactions with decentralized applications by abstracting away multi-step processes.
  • Improved Usability: Addresses account fragmentation and enhances user experience in managing assets across different chains.
  • Security and Censorship Resistance: Provides strong guarantees through cryptographic proofs and slashing mechanisms.


Interchain Transaction (iTx)

Klaster enables the bundling of multiple blockchain transactions into a single interchain transaction, encoded as a Merkle Tree, allowing seamless execution across different chains.

Multichain Smart Account

Klaster introduces a smart contract account that is deterministically derived and accessible across multiple blockchains, simplifying account management.

Public Execution Network (PEN)

A P2P network where nodes commit to executing interchain transactions with economic guarantees, ensuring reliable transaction processing.

Slashing Mechanism

A robust system that penalizes nodes for failing to execute committed transactions, thereby ensuring trust and security within the network.

Klaster represents a significant step forward in enabling efficient and secure cross-chain transactions, addressing key scalability and usability challenges in the blockchain space. By leveraging a unique P2P network and smart contract architecture, Klaster simplifies complex operations, making blockchain technology more accessible and effective for users.

Read the whitepaper here Whitepaper Read the docs here Klaster Documentation