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Hylé is a minimal layer one blockchain focused solely on verifying zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). It enables the development of fully off-chain applications with blockchain-level security guarantees.


Hylé provides a streamlined blockchain infrastructure for ZKP verification. It offers minimal storage, modular design, and compatibility with existing ZKP tech stacks.


  • Minimalist Design: Focuses solely on ZKP verification and settlement
  • Lightweight Infrastructure: Utilizes minimal storage for efficient operation
  • Flexible Integration: Modular design allows for easy customization
  • Ecosystem Compatibility: Leverages existing ZKP tech stacks
  • Enhanced Privacy: Enables off-chain applications with on-chain security

Key Features

ZKP Verification

Specializes in verifying zero-knowledge proofs, providing a secure settlement layer for off-chain applications.

Modular Architecture

Designed for flexibility, allowing developers to customize and extend functionality as needed.

Hylé revolutionizes blockchain infrastructure by providing a minimalist, ZKP-focused layer one that enables secure, privacy-preserving off-chain applications.

Learn more at Hylé Documentation