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What is Halliday?

Halliday is a commerce automation platform designed for modular chains, enabling users to spend, manage, and transact with ease across different blockchain networks.


Halliday revolutionizes the user experience in modular chains by providing seamless access to on and off-ramps, cross-chain swaps, and simplified NFT purchases. It aims to reduce friction in blockchain interactions and empower users with efficient commerce solutions.

Key Features

  • Anychain Onramp: Enables users to purchase native tokens without complex bridge and DEX interactions.
  • Cross-Chain Swaps: Allows users to bring existing balances from any chain to modular chains.
  • Seamless NFT Purchases: Facilitates one-click NFT mints using balances from multiple networks.
  • Self-Custodial: Ensures users always have access to their funds without third-party control.

Commerce Automation Network


  • Enables effortless conversion of existing funds into any cryptocurrency across various chains.
  • Supports purchases using fiat, crypto, or exchange balances.
  • Provides interoperability across different blockchain networks.


  • Simplifies onboarding for new Web3 users.
  • Streamlines the process of obtaining cryptocurrencies on modular chains.
  • Offers seamless interchain functionality for fluid asset movement.



  • Minimal integration work required for developers.
  • Customizable UI to fit within existing ecosystems.

User Experience

  • Simplified onboarding process for new users.
  • Reduces complexity in navigating Web3 spaces.
  • Enables direct token purchases within integrated ecosystems.

Halliday empowers modular chains and their users with a powerful commerce automation platform, simplifying cross-chain interactions and enhancing the overall Web3 experience.

Learn more at Halliday Documentation