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What is Pimlico?

Pimlico is a platform that provides infrastructure and tools for working with ERC-4337 account abstraction. It offers bundler and paymaster services, along with the permissionless.js library, to simplify the development of applications using smart accounts.


Pimlico aims to streamline the implementation of account abstraction in blockchain applications. By offering robust infrastructure and developer-friendly tools, Pimlico enables seamless integration of ERC-4337 features into dApps and wallets.

Key Components

  • Bundler Service: Manages the bundling and submission of user operations to the blockchain.
  • Paymaster Service: Facilitates gas sponsorship and fee abstraction for improved user experience.
  • permissionless.js: A TypeScript library for building with ERC-4337 smart accounts and related components.


Bundler Infrastructure

Pimlico provides a reliable and efficient bundler service for handling user operations across multiple networks.

Gas Abstraction

The paymaster service allows developers to implement gas sponsorship and fee abstraction in their applications.

Developer Tools

permissionless.js offers a flexible and extensible framework for working with ERC-4337 components, built on top of viem.

Multi-chain Support

Pimlico's services are available across various EVM-compatible networks, enabling broad application support.

Easy Integration

Designed for seamless integration with existing development workflows and tools like viem and wagmi.


  • Simplifies the implementation of account abstraction in blockchain applications
  • Provides robust infrastructure for handling ERC-4337 operations
  • Offers flexible tools that avoid vendor lock-in
  • Supports multiple smart account implementations
  • Enables developers to focus on building great user experiences

Pimlico empowers developers to leverage the power of account abstraction, providing the necessary infrastructure and tools to build more user-friendly and accessible blockchain applications.

Learn more at Pimlico Documentation